post (2) 名詞 ponere 表3>1

駐屯地  例文1 
部署  例文2 
持ち場  例文3 
地位  例文4 


1  A new army post was set up at the border.


2  There are always two guards watching at the post.


3  When a Japanese lieutenant who didn't know the war had been over was found in a jungle in the Philippines in 1974, he would not come back home until his commanding officer who had told him to stay at his post thirty years before arrived from Japan and ordered him to leave the post.

   1974年にフィリピンのジャングルで、戦争終結を知らなかった日本人少尉が発見されたとき、彼は、三十年前に持ち場に とどまれと命令した上官が日本から到着して、その持ち場を離れるように命令するまで、故国に戻ろうとしなかった。 

4  He was offered the post of dean of a business school, but he had had enough of such posts of responsibility and was not disposed to accept the post.

   彼はある経営学大学院の学部長のポストを提示されたが、そのような責任ある地位には飽き飽きして いて、引き受けたいとは思わなかった。